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You do it...
Secrets of Web Traffic
July 12, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
Helping you to increase your web site traffic has always been my top priority and today, I’m going to share with you my best kept secrets to increase web site traffic from scratch.
Like many of you, I started my career in internet marketing with little knowledge, no JV partner, no internet marketing friend and I didn’t pay thousands of dollars to attend any seminar on internet marketing. I started from scratch, learning the ropes by reading tons of ebooks and email newsletters (blog wasn’t popular when I started online).
So I believe whatever web site traffic strategy that works for me will work for you.
My Most Important Web Site Traffic Strategy
My most important web site traffic strategy is viral marketing.
Viral marketing is a huge topic by itself and it encompasses many different strategies, including viral ebook, viral software, affiliate program, tell-a-friend system and even list building.
Before I even start thinking about the details of any new web site, the first question I will ask myself is “How can I multiply my initial traffic into more traffic?” If I can’t get a good answer to this question, I will not build the web site at all. (Clarification: I’m referring to mega web sites like LeadsLeap, not those little Adsense or affiliate web sites that rely on search engine traffic.)
The whole idea of viral marketing is that you want people to tell other people about your website.
You may think all you need is an affiliate program. If you do, you are dead wrong! Just because you are having an affiliate program doesn’t mean that people will start spreading the words. In most cases, they won’t!
The key in viral marketing is to create a buzz in the community. You need to position your new web site in such a way that there is some novelty in it, something that will make people say “Hey, it sounds interesting” or “Hey, this is something new”. If you can do that, together with a good supporting system such as an affiliate program, your web site will spread like wild fire.
Next, You Need Web Site Traffic Starter
I derive the term Traffic Starter from Fire Starter. When you set up a fire, you need fire starters. Similarly, if you want your website to spread like wild fire, you need a traffic starter, which is the initial traffic to your website.
Can you imagine what will happen if you burn lots of fire starters but you fail to put some charcoal around them? Yes, you get some initial fire but it soon dies.
In the case of web site traffic, the charcoal is the viral marketing components. That’s why I say viral marketing is the most important web site traffic strategy. You MUST have that in place before even thinking about where to get your initial traffic.
Am I clear on this point?
Ok next, where do you get the initial traffic?
Frankly, it really doesn’t matter where you get the initial traffic, as long as the traffic you receive are targeted.
When finding the initial web site traffic, an important question to ask yourself is “Where can I find people who are interested in my web site?” Whatever answer you get, go there and find ways to channel the traffic to your website.
It could mean you have to pay some money to advertise. It could also mean you have to write to some website owners and strike out some JV deals.
When I first started, I had no JV contact and I got all my initial traffic from advertising. I spent quite a bit on advertising (5 figures to be exact), but I soon earned back the money because I put a lot of “charcoal” around my traffic starter. Get the idea?
That’s really my main secret to increase web site traffic and I hope you get the gist of it.
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Free Viral Marketing-Get Your Own Viral Website!
5 Types of Advertising Techniques Online
Many people are confused by the different types of advertising techniques online. In today’s blog post, my aim is to classify all the techniques into 5 basic techniques. I will also discuss the key to success in each of them.
Ready? Here we go……
1) Content Advertising
The first type of advertising technique is content advertising. It basically uses content to draw visitors’ attention. It is the main type of advertising technique because the entire internet is made up of content (or information).
The following traffic strategies all fall under content advertising technique:
- Submitting articles to article directories- Posting articles to Squidoo, Hubpages or Blogger- Posting articles to your own blog or content website- Press release- Paid reviews at other people’s website- Yahoo answers- Social bookmarking at Digg, Propeller etc- Post videos in video sites- Posting comments in forums
In content advertising, you draw traffic from 2 sources. You either get the traffic from the website where the content is posted or from the search engine.
Existing traffic from the website is given. There is nothing much you need to do other than making sure that your content is good and your title is interesting.
The real challenge lies in getting traffic from the search engine. Your aim is to get high ranking in the search engine and direct the traffic from the search engine to your content and then to your website. This is done through careful keyword research and search engine optimization.
2) Link Advertising
This type of advertising technique typically uses a short link with some description to attract the visitors directly to your website.
The following traffic strategies all fall under link advertising technique:
- PPC advertising- LeadsLeap advertising- Classified advertising- Submission to directories- Link exchange partnership- Banner advertising (image version of link advertising)- Craigslist advertising- Email signature
In link advertising, you draw traffic from just 1 source, that is the existing traffic from the website where your link is posted.
The key in link advertising is your OFFER.
Many advertisers expect people to click on whatever link they post. When no one clicks, they wonder why people are not responding.
Remember, people are NOT AT ALL interested in your ad. They are only interested in how they can benefit. If your ad fails to convey the idea that you have something good for them, they simply won’t click!
3) Viral advertising
This kind of advertising technique is similar to word of mouth advertising in the offline world. The idea is to encourage your existing traffic to bring more traffic to your website.
The following traffic strategies all fall under viral advertising technique:
- Offer your products’ affiliate program, including finding joint venture partners- Place a “Tell-a-friend” script on your website- Distribute viral screensaver, software or ebooks
Success in viral advertising depends a lot on your ability to create a buzz in your community. You need to package your product into something that is unique and interesting so that people are interested in spreading the words for you. Viral advertising can hardly work for a “me-too” product.
4) Incentivized advertising
The forth type of advertising technique is incentivized advertising where the traffic is rewarded to visit your website.
The following traffic strategies all fall under incentivized advertising technique:
- Traffic exchange programs- Auto-surf advertising- Paid to read advertising- Safelist advertising.
Success in this type of advertising depends mainly on your offer and the way you present it. Most advertisers who fail either do not have a good offer or they fail to deliver the benefit of their offer across to the target audience.
5) Obtrusive advertising
The last type of advertising technique is obtrusive advertising where the traffic is forced to view your ad. The most typical examples are popup and popunder advertising.
The first rule in obtrusive advertising is to avoid untargeted traffic, which happens to be quite common in this kind of advertising. If your ad is shown to a pool of people who are not interested in your offer, you are simply barking up the wrong tree!
If the traffic is targeted, your success in obtrusive advertising depends mainly on your offer and the way you present it, similar to incentivized advertising.
Final note……
As you can see, online advertising is not as complicated as what it seems to be. I hope that by understanding the basic types of advertising techniques, you can be better prepare your advertising campaign. All the best! See More Articles
August 30, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
Free Viral Marketing-Get Your Own Viral Website!
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I Just Bought Disc Mojo-WOW-Part 1
How To Make Your Own Mini Sites And Use Rebranding
Sure it looks simple, download it, change your links, upload and wala, you should have a website right. When you see it online, it may be a different story. But, now you can skip that whole scenario and skip the learning curve and time wasted learning when you can be selling. Remember, when you obtain the resale rights to a product, it means you pay once and resell it over and over again. Some products even have co-branding, which allow you to change the name of the product to your very own.
How To Find Your Own Niche In Internet Marketing
April 27, 2008 By Kenneth Koh
Knowing how to find your own niche in internet marketing is probably the most important first step in making money online.
Why do I say that?
Because everyone of us has our unique talent. It’s only when we make use of our unique talent can we excel in what we do.
Internet marketing is no different.
If you try to copy the way other people make money online, yet the method does not resonate with your natural self, you will not be able to excel in that area.
For example, some marketers make big bucks conducting seminars. My question to you is, do you like to do public speaking? If you don’t and you force yourself to do that, chances are you will not do well in it.
For me, I enjoy working with technical people, coming out with innovative systems and programs that can help people. I don’t mind spending hours with my programmer, trying to resolve some technical issues. (I know these are non-income generating activities and I should avoid them, but I enjoy the problem-solving process.) That’s me. But you may be different.
Another example. You know who Ewen Chia is right? Do you know what he enjoyed doing most before becoming a successful internet marketer? He liked to compose songs!! He could be spending nights composing songs. Now instead of composing songs, he put his talent into ‘composing’ sales letters! He likes to try out different kinds of sales letters and see which one converts better, something that I don’t enjoy doing! But if you talk PHP or HTML with him, he’ll frown.
Internet marketing is a huge industry and there’re a lot of ways through which you can use your talent.
If you are good in graphic, you can leverage on your strength and provide graphic services online. You can also upgrade your skills by learning HTML and create website templates. You can sell these templates, use them to build leads or simply create websites that make money.
If you enjoy writing, you can start a blog, create content websites and make money from Adsense or by selling affiliate products.
If you have a flair in selling, you can get freelancers to create products for you to sell. Your main focus would be to write powerful sales letters that convert!
“Kenneth, what if I’m good in nothing but I just want to make money online?”
Seriously, this is impossible. Everyone is born with a unique talent. If you haven’t found your talent, that’s because you’re too lazy to find it! No one can help you if you are lazy.
Here’s my 3 simple steps for you to start your online career: See More
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This article may be used on your website or blog as long as it is used in it's entirety including all links and this text. PR Man is an avid writer for many affiliate companies, my main site is at http://affiliatemarketingtoolkit.blogspot.com/.
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