I Just Bought Disc Mojo-WOW-Part 1

I have tried to make CD's for some of my products and what a freakin' mess! Some didn't rip, the packaging was gaf and I sat up them for hours sometimes, then I had to drag them to the post office. I quit selling info CD's because it took me a ton of time for managing the actual product and not developing new products. I was making good money, but I hated all the work, I might as well had been selling cameras and poker chip sets instead.
So, I was doing my usual web surfing and I came accross this Disc Mojo and I liked a lot of things Paul Ponna had to say.
1. You just make your product and submit it with the easy to use software(haven't used it yet, but peeked at it and it looks like a simple interface)
2. Kunaki makes the product you design on the CD/DVD cover etc.
3. Loads all of it on a disc and sends it to your customer! I like this part!
I am in the infant stages, I just downloaded it, and it's 11:30PM, and I need to catch some zzz's, but I will keep you updated as I use the program and we can share some of the in's and outs as we get into it. I would apprciate any feedback if someone already has this and some shortcuts, etc. that you have learned. If you want to see Disc Mojo's Page Click Here.
This is the first of I don't know how many parts, I just got the thing!
See My Website too: http://www.daddydigital.com
Talk to you soon! Paul

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