How to Zip Your Website Into a Download File

Creating Your Own Product Series

By: Paul Russo

Creating Your Own Website Zip Products

If you have ever purchased anything online that contains documents that look
like a website inside a frame, then someone zipped their website or an affiliate
website into a Website Zip Package.

How can you use this?

There are plenty of free things that are given away on the internet each and
every day, you can also be a part of this. For instance, if you give away a free
e-book or software, you want to add other items that you have in your
possession that earn you money. It would be like going to the fast food
restaurant and not getting asked if you want fries with your burger.

How does it benefit you?

Offering additional products with your downloads is the fries that come with the
burger. The attachments within your files should have some reference back to
you and your website is the perfect thing to send with it. It is your home base
and contains everything that you want to offer your customers. Here is an
example of how you can use it:

Let’s say you are offering a report on how to make a cheesecake and your
website contains 4,000 other recipes that earn you money with links within the
recipes, your website would be downloaded as part of the recipe package in its
own zipped format with independent reader. Your customer now has your
website stored in their computer for reference as well as future purchases. You
can keep marketing your website and as people download your free products,
they will all get your website as a part of the package.

How do you make money?

Your product was free, but maybe the links inside of the product produce you
income, but now you have your website tagging along on every purchase and
it never cost you a dime to advertise or promote it. Your customer stores your
information or visits your website then or when you least expect it, earning you
traffic as well as sales.

The software is friendly to use and comes with a wizard to help you load fast
and easy. I can be opened by the end user with any zip tool and will be
displayed in its own framed page. The earnings potential is unlimited and once
you get the download ball rolling it is never ending.

The Website Zipper Tool is available for free by clicking here.

If you need a domain name and a great website builder, then this is a must see
be sure to watch the video about the creator.
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If you have any questions regarding Internet Marketing please don’t hesitate to contact me

Good Luck,

Paul Russo

Daddy Digital Marketing

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