Creating Your Own Product Series

By: Paul Russo

Creating Your Own Information Website/Affiliate Marketers Beginners

Information is on top of the totem pole even above cash on the internet. You
may be confused by the above statement, but the truth be told, the information
that you provide will lead people to generating an income. Here are some hard
facts that you already know because you do this when you want to know
something more about.

When I was younger I used to ask my father, today people “Google” for
information. When they type in their request your answers suddenly appear
before you, using the key words that you entered for the information you
wanted. The best thing is, if you don’t like the answers you receive, you can
re-word them and ask again.

Over 85% of the people that place a search request in, want information not
to be immediately brought to a sales page with flashy graphics, pictures and
claims of how great a product claims to be. The truth is most people want to
be what is called “soft sold,” they like to read and learn before they buy. They
like to be told all about it and then lead by the hand to the source on where
they can get it.

As the operator of an information website, you will be able to create an easy
web of pages with information on all kinds of products and services. Your
content will be your guide and not your website. To make that a little clearer,
your content will provide a reason for someone to visit your website which will
lead them to your money making website.

An example of this is from a friend of mine who owns a local business and
wanted to expand his internet business so he could ship his product worldwide
and produce additional revenue. Instead of asking me for help he set out on
a quest to advertise his website, he spent thousands of dollars on internet
advertising and sent out mailings advertising his new and improved website. At
first he received a lot of traffic, but very little sales, his regular customers didn’t
feel as though they needed the website since his business was local and he was
only phone call away.

After about three months and several thousand dollars later, we had met for
breakfast one morning and I asked him how business was and he gave me the
run down of what he had done. I asked him why he didn’t ask for my help and
his answer was, “I thought it was easy to get more business from my website,”
my website was professionally designed and has all of my products on it,
everything anyone needs to know about or order anything from my company.
His pride was hurt so I apologized for his misfortune and asked him if I could
help in any way, his answer was that he had pretty much given up on it and
was just going to use the site as an advertisement, but if you have any ideas
I will certainly consider them.

As I had seen his website many times I asked him a question about one of his
products and he proceeded to tell me all about it, I listened and learned all the
details. When he finished I asked him if he could repeat the description again
if he had to, he answered “Of course I can, I make them everyday.” That’s
great my reply was, except the description you just gave me is not anywhere
to be found on the internet.

My friend looked at me puzzled and then I began to tell him about what I
described above, I asked him to send me his description and I was going to test
something for him, I then asked him to send me a description or a sales pitch
for each one of his products. I attached a “landing page” before is main page
that matched his website theme with the product descriptions and small articles
about each. Each article had it’s own page with two links on it off the main
page, one lead back to the landing page and the other lead to the main website
where the customer could now make his purchase on of the products.

My other approach was taking those same articles and posting them using an
article submission tool and posted these same articles to several hundred article
websites. The results came instantly, we gave people, just like you want,
information about what you are looking for, they were educated and now they
can proceed to purchase it.

My friend thanked me and now has moved into other products besides the
items he produces and is making just as much money online as offline. So, how
do you fit into this equation?

Simple, you will be me and my friend will be your clients, you will own the
website and you will assist others either for a per action fee or monthly
membership fee. Your website can also provide information to your programs,
websites or guides. You can also set up your website for others to post
information for free and you earn money from the advertising around the

You can create instant money making information websites that will be full of
searchable content with ease. Get more free information

Please see my full collection of articles at:

If you have any questions regarding Internet Marketing please don’t hesitate to contact me

Good Luck,

Paul Russo

Daddy Digital Marketing

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