You can earn $200-$300 Per Day on Craigslist- A few short months back I began to use Craigslist as a my primary advertising. I fumbled around and tried many different things and had little success. The worst part was I spent a lot of time placing my ads and made very little money.
I have several websites and tried promoting different things and found I was spending a lot of time without the results. I soon thought, oh no, not another internet dead end, but, there are other people making money there, why couldn't I do the same?
I tried putting more ads online and ended up getting flagged and even had an account suspended. I was doing something wrong and decided that I needed to learn a bit more about how Craigslist could be an income source. So I took some time off from advertising and did some research to see how I could make this work, here are some of the results that I got from it.
Looking at what others were doing was helpful, but, how did I know that they were making money or just posting ads and getting nothing in return like I was. Realistically, there really is no way to know, but what I did conclude was that they were getting traffic to their desired website or link, where they could capture a customer or future lead. So I began to do a little more research and started clicking on the links in the post and kept track of what made me more interested once I left the Craigslist website ad they had placed.
Website arrival: Many advertisers made a fatal error, they advertised an item and then sent you to the home page of their website where you had to search for the item that was advertised. These links tended me to just click away, after all, I was interested in the EXACT product that was advertised and not a confusing listing or home page of a website.
I kept a simple system and noticed that I spent less than half the time when I was sent to a page that didn't contain the product. I will give you a perfect example of this. An advertiser placed an ad for an Orlando hotel, when I clicked the link, it brought me to a home page where I had to enter the hotel name and find it myself. Instead, the advertiser should have given a direct link to the item that was advertised. As I went through the list, I noticed that some of the advertisers had tons of ads and they were linked directly to the pages. (Read more about direct linking later) I noticed these pages were what I clicked on and what I wanted to know about, they got my attention.
Advertisment Content and Layout- You need to tell someone about what you are offerring, but not 50 paragraphs. Your ad should be short and to the point with a link to the product you are promoting. You can use templates, tables and images that are hosted by a webserver on craigslist to make your posting more appealing, but be careful there are restrictions. (see tips below)
What can I sell on Craigslist?-
This will be your biggest challenge there is. What you need to do is sell something you know or can learn about fairly quickly. There are thousands of things you can sell, but what can I SELL is the question you must answer. Here are some things that you can use as ideas to get you started.
Turn the hobby or your profession into a cash business- If you have a hobby, then maybe you can turn it into profit in a couple of different ways. You can produce the hobby in an actual product, you can write your own electronic book (e-book) about your hobby and how to do it or you can hold classes locally and charge for them.
Buy and Resell on Craigslist- Many people whom have knowledge of the value of certain items seek out people that just want to get rid of stuff because it is in the way or need the money. This is your opportunity to cash in and make some cash. For example, a friend of mine read an ad for some rims for his truck, he asked the owner what size they were on the phone and he said they were 16" rims. When he got there, the rims were only 15" and the owner was asking $350 and just wanted to get rid of them. When he told the owner that they were the wrong size and he couldn't use them, the owner asked if he would by them for $200, my friend rejected and started to walk away, the owner asked if he just wanted to give him $100 and take them away for him. My friend knew they were worh the $350 maybe even $450, he ended up buying them. He posted them on Craigslist and about a week later he sold them for $400! He made $300 basically just driving and picking up the rims. So, if that little story helps you get inspried, it happens everyday.
Selling New Products- In many cases you can resell products and have them dropshipped directly to your customer without you ever handling the product. Drop shipping involves you getting paid for the product first and then ordering it and having it directly shipped to your customer. This method is very popular because it does not require you to carry an inventory and take the chance of having something that does not sell.
Wholesale Portals offers a program to get you started easily and quickly with access to over 1.5 million products. You can get started for under $50 and are up and running in minutes.
Your Own Website or Business- If you have a website or business, Craigslist is a "self publishing" website designed for you to display your product or service. You don't have to have a product to sell you could have a service such as accounting, marketing, home service, etc. This is the place to advertise it and get the calls you want. Serious Craigslisters know the value of a free website. Take advantage of this and use it to your advantage.
Your Business Website: If you have a thousand products on your website, then you will need a thousand ads on Craigslist to promote them. Each ad should contain a brief description and a DIRECT LINK to the item page. You should always include a photo of your product.
Your Service: Many people again go on Craigslist to find a deal and find someone local to do something for them. Whether it be around their home or business, your ad needs to express this.
Need a website?: Nowadays, many people are turning to a type of website that offers you the opportunity to be in business almost immediately with stock and a website. You can customize it with your own domain name and even add your own content, links, change the appearance and add your own products. These sites are called Turnkey Websites and are for those with NO EXPERIENCE building or designing websites. The websites are fully completed and include all the products and descriptions. You will be paid on the sales of these items and set the markup, most pay directly to a Paypal account.
There is so much more available on the FREE CD that I recommend, it will help you get by the learning curve and even teach you a few tricks. Use the link below to see the details.
Tips for New Craigslist Users:
Direct Linking and How to do it on Craigslist-YOU CAN use links and HTML on Craigslist, but there are restrictions, so be sure to see the Craigslist Help section for details on how to do this. You can see examples here of what is acceptable HTML codes for Craigslist. You should always directly link to what you are selling so the customer doesn't have to search for what they want, because they won't. Most people came to Craigslist to find a deal not surf websites. The Editor on craigslist is very basic and you will have to do it the old fashioned way, but don't be afraid, it is pretty simple and just remember that anything enclosed in the <> does not appear on your finished page. You may get away with it once or twice, but don't try to put more than 1 or tops 2 links on a posting, you will get flagged.
About Getting Flagged on Craigslist- Getting flagged really sucks, this means you went against the craigslist rules or there are a bunch of people out to get you. Here are some of the common reasons for being flagged:
miscategorized - wrong category/site, discusses another ad, otherwise misplaced
prohibited - violates craigslist Terms of Use or other posted guidelines
spam/overpost - posted too frequently, in multiple cities/categories, or is too commercial
Free classified ads receiving enough negative flags are subject to automatic removal (only one flag per person per post is counted).
Forums postings and paid classified ads receiving enough negative flags are subject to staff review.
Posters whose postings are repeatedly flagged are subject to staff review and additional remedial measures.
Editing, Deleting and Reposting on Craigslist: All of your ads are editable, be sure to check it before you post it, but if there is an error you can always go back and fix it. Deleting a post is simple, go to your account, click on the ad you want to delete and select "delete this posting" Once it is deleted, you can choose to just leave it deleted or repost it, but, only after 2 days can you repost the same ad, and it must be 2 full days(48 hours) or you will be flagged for overposting and your ad will be deleted. Don't post the same ad more than once or you could get flagged for spamming. See More Details...
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